Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Done (for now)

There is a song that comes on my pandora station that I love, mostly I just love the last few seconds. After a full mature voice sings with grace and beauty, the song ends with a sigh, and a voice like that of a tired child says "I'm done." The voice is nothing like the one that has just sung, it is soft resignation. She has completed her task. She is done.

There is something refreshing in hearing her voice sound so different after the song. It is soft and almost frail, as if all her energy went into the song and it is now over. It is time to rest.

Tonight we had a tribe leader dinner to celebrate a year of leading tribe. I am taking the summer off to pursue personal healing and wholeness. It was a beautiful year with my tribe, and I am looking forward to joining back into community in the fall. Still, tonight I feel that I can say with a sigh, I'm done. For that I am grateful. (For now.)

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